Legacy Giving

Donating appreciated stock is one of the most impactful and tax-advantaged ways to express your generosity.

Silk Road Cultural Center is grateful to partner with the United Methodist Foundation of the NorthernIllinois Conference to facilitate gifts of stock. Since 2017 the Foundation has expedited gifts of nearly one million dollars of appreciated stock at no additional cost to donors, churches, and non-profit organizations.

You can donate stock to the Foundation, which will transfer the proceeds to Silk Road Cultural Center. By donating appreciated securities, you bypass the capital gains tax and are able to itemize your gift as a deduction.

If you are interesting in donating appreciated stock, please call Malik Gillani at 312-857-1234 ext 202, or email malik@silkroadrising.org.

Useful Information

Legal Name: Gilloury Institute
Address: 150 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1970, Chicago IL 60601-7594
Tax ID Number: 01-0693025

Examples of Giving Language

For a specific bequest: “I hereby give and bequeath $___ from my estate to Gilloury Institute, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, Chicago, Illinois, for its general purposes.

For a remainder gift: “I hereby give and bequeath all (or ___%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to Gilloury Institute, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, Chicago, Illinois, for its general purposes.

Do you have questions?

Please feel free to contact us at 312-857-1234 or info@silkroadrising.org.
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Silk Road Cultural Center is a dba of Gilloury Institute, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
© 2024 Silk Road Cultural Center