Silk Road Cultural Center is a Chicago-based, community-centered, artmaking and arts service organization rooted in Pan-Asian*, North African, and Muslim experiences. Through storytelling, digital media, and arts education, we cultivate new narratives, challenge disinformation, and promote a culture of continuous learning.
*We define Pan-Asian as inclusive of all cultures that span the Asian continent, including their diaspora communities.
At Silk Road Cultural Center we know that representation matters; it informs conversations; shapes perceptions, and influences policies. In our increasingly diverse American society, we view representation as key to being seen and heard.
Understanding that cultures are inherently linked and not ranked, our stories explore the intersections of cultures without undermining the specificities of cultures. In striving for a society that values art over ideology and inquiry over dogma, we embrace the complexities and contradictions of our human experiences.
We approach storytelling as a catalyst for connecting peoples, places, histories, and futures. And we consider stories to be both a destination and a meeting place; a sanctuary for healing ourselves, healing our communities, and healing our world.